Saturday, February 18, 2012

You're Perfect And Beautiful, Just The Way You Are

Maybe you've seen Batty flying around my Bellametrics Permanent Makeup fan page already, but it's time I made a proper introduction.  Batty is an Ugly Doll that I met in Hawaii  exactly one year ago this month.  She was 'hanging' around Waikiki Beach Royal Hawaiian Center when I was shopping for a mu mu, and we fell in immediately as old friends.  Perhaps it was my fondness for bats that evoked my attraction to her, but she also reminded me a lot of myself many years ago.

Batty didn't feel like she fit in to the Waikiki Beach scene and talked a lot about changing herself so she could more easily belong.  It started out with her wanting to file down the points on her teeth.

I felt her pain, for I had once wished I could have an operation to just take one or two inches out of each thigh bones so I wouldn't be so tall.  Now, of course, I am happy to have my height and my adolescent body dismorphic disorder is (mostly) a thing of the past.

I asked her if she was a fruit bat, a nectar bat, a vampire bat, or an insect eating bat.

She said she liked poki sushi, then she smiled and said she liked to eat bugs too.

"Well", I said, "... you have to have pointy teeth to catch your food.  If you change them, you'll have to change your diet and who knows what else.  Besides, you're perfect and beautiful just the way you are."

Batty decided it would be a good idea to come back to my new home and live in Seattle with me.   As the weather warmed, I took her to visit her Vampire friends that live in Deception Pass where we took a great portrait of her at the top of the bridge. 

We were looking for a good permanent makeup artist in Seattle at the time, and our search rendered little results.  That was when I decided to put my talent to good use in a field that has precious few good technicians.

She's been my great support as I began my venture in permanent makeup with Bellametrics and continues to be a part of my growth.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Fear and Suspicion of Permanent Cosmetics

Have you ever been late for something because of too much time spent in front of the mirror?  Guys, this could mean you…. waiting for someone else spending time in front of the mirror counts, too.   

If so, have you thought permanent makeup would just make your life so much easier -- and happier -- but have too many concerns about the risks involved with actually pursuing it yourself (or as the case may be, of being supportive of someone else pursuing it)?  

Believe me… I feel your pain.  I was actually one of the early fools who rushed in, back in the mid-90’s, and got treated to asymmetrical eyebrow abominations.  I literally put a band aid over one side because the pigment was applied so high it looked like one of Joan Crawford’s eyebrows had come back to haunt me. 

Finding the right technician is as much of a treasure hunt as looking for Ferragamos at a League of Jewish Woman’s rummage sale.  They are out there, but you have to invest some due diligence and have a little faith that you will strike gold after weeding out the standard tailings. 

Misapplied pigments, poor pigment quality, poorly selected pigment color, the use of actual ink for permanent cosmetic procedures rather than non-water soluble pigments, as well as a host of other mal-odious factors contribute to achieving undesirable results.   The truth is that a quick look at the technician’s ‘before and after’ gallery will give anyone considering this procedure an idea of the quality of product they can expect. 

A consultation with the technician will also provide valuable data to the person pursuing permanent makeup.  How well does the technician listen?  How well does the technician apply topical makeup during the consultation?  What are the technician’s qualifying attributes?  Because the industry has been prone to loose regulation, the responsibility falls upon you to use your head and follow your instincts. 

What I would strongly advise against is in blindly trusting that just because someone has an esthetician’s or cosmetology license, they are automatically qualified to apply permanent makeup.   Naturally, I don’t mean that these licenses disqualify someone from providing this service.  Rather, I’m suggesting that all too often permanent makeup is added to the cadre of beauty services available to any shop owner regardless of artistic sensibility in spite of the fact that it is an art form.  

Be wary of the template approach to beauty that is so very common.  If you decide to go ahead with a particular technician with hope as your only assurance, remember you will be living with this decision for many years.  

It’s worth the small time investment to really see the work that is out there being provided by permanent cosmetic professionals.  There are a few skilled technicians servicing the greater Seattle area with a web presence that I have found.  Helen Piatt works in Federal Way but also comes to South Seattle once a week.  Penny Rudy from the Chrysalis Clinic in Arlington makes a justified claim of being ‘simply the best in the Northwest’.  Penny is so good in fact, that I’ve chosen her as my instructor for continuing education in techniques and procedures.  This continued education is something that I feel is absolutely necessary for any technician to commit to. 

So, don’t fear permanent cosmetics!  As with many things, a little research before committing is necessary, but I have to say that life changing results can be achieved with the application of well implanted and well chosen pigments.  The investment of time investigating the options for any decision will give you the assurance to help you look good, feel great, and change YOUR world!