Friday, January 20, 2012

How the Brow Breaks

I've found that permanent makeup isn't so much a replacement for topical makeup as it is a great foundation that allows one to feel confident at any time of day under any circumstances.  The trick is in getting that foundation laid (implanted) appropriately to the topography of existing skeletal/muscular facial structures.
<< This is an example of what I would consider a failure.
What has happened here is that the break of the eyebrow arch is placed so far to the outside edge of the face that she looks more angry than neutral.  The original brow arch breaks just outside the iris and although faint is still visible in the before picture.

The woman above had great features to work with, but although the results aren't necessarily bad, the design works against her natural beauty.

There are always exceptions where alteration for symmetry and beauty are required, but generally speaking, the template approach is undesirable.

Below is an example of a brow that is fitting to the structure of the woman's face.  The brow breaks appropriately outside of the iris and the bulb is feathered as to not create to much 'weight' at the center which would intensify her neutral expression toward looking angry.

The design above creates an open and lifted, youthful look without causing her to look surprised or like Tinkerbell's big sister.

May your eyebrow arches break naturally and may you be blessed with a full range of expressions available to you on your journey with permanent makeup.


  1. Great information. Never new there were 'rules' about brow placement. But then; I don't need to know. I've got YOU, Ashley!

    Evan Milton
    Corporate Impressions.Biz

    1. You're next, Evan! After your touch-up, you'll be famous! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. great article - could you write more about symmetry and beauty - :)
