Saturday, May 25, 2013

Winged Eyeliner Permanent Makeup

The image above was brought to me by a hopeful client.
The next image above was what I did with topical makeup to get as close as possible to her desires.
My council to her was that there is a time and place for this kind of dramatic makeup and that someday she would regret making this permanent.  I also warned her that as we age, our skin sags downward but she said that was a long way off and that it would fade by then.  She was convinced that she wanted this design to be permanently imbedded in her skin and I didn't seem to be able to talk her out of it.

After much thought, I had to tell her that I would not do it.  Additionally, it is a lot more work than an eyeliner and would be considerably more costly.  I suggested we try something a little different and she agreed to let me try it on her other eye.  Surprisingly, she absolutely loved what I did, although it was far less dramatic than was depicted in the picture she brought in.

The result is shown above.  My client got her wings with a touch of pigment along the bottom lash line to compliment the top.  I have to agree that her face could take the flare of line design extending outward.  Tell me what you think.
Here is a shot from the other direction:
These kinds of extensions are fairly difficult to achieve.  Getting a perfect balance with matching degrees of extended angles off both eyes becomes difficult when stretching the skin the way a technician must for permanent makeup service with no anatomy features to guide the artists strokes such as lash lines.
If you are interested in wings, this is an additional and specific skill set you should be sure your technician possesses in order to insure great results.  Please go to Bellametrics gallery and menu to see the services we offer.